
New DVD: Press Release (2017)

Marlene Souza Lima & Group Brazilian Instrumental Music influencied by American jazz, brazilian jazz, American pop and latin music.

Sensitive effervescent instrumental music. This is how the group defines itself, which in its presentations the people dance with the beat of the Brazilians Afro rhythms and in others moments that come in contact with its contemplative state like soft notes of its themes and melodic improvisations.

People from various places in Brazil have already felt the energy of Sound.In the capital of Brazil were called to the Cultural Space Program of TV Senado in several events throughout the city. In the land of the garoa, Sao Paulo, recorded a live program for SESC TV and played in one of the most renowned Brazilian jazz house, a Jazz nos Frundos and in the multifaceted Kabul Bar.

With an independent and authorial album released, they recorded the first DVD in the month of last March, which was sponsored by the Fund of Support to Culture of the Federal District - FAC.

"My Way" (2011)

The Marlene Souza Lima Group, a Brazilian instrumental band. Musicians performing on the "My Way" CD, were Marlene Souza Lima-acoustic guitar, eletric guitar, compositions and arranger; Oswaldo Amorim-eletric bass; Paulo Marques-drums. Special guests: Wellington "Tom" Vidal-drums; Leo Filho-clarinet; Fernando Nantra-eletric bass; Leo Barbosa-percussion, Fernando Corona and Kiko Continentino-keyboards. All songs were composed by Marlene Souza Lima.

*Purchase or inquire about the "My Way" CD via email, CLICK HERE.

Gigs Around

Primeira Virada Cultural de Brasília-(Music Festival)2010
CCBB Brasília- “Todos os Sons”-(All Songs)2010
Recording in RJ and Niterói -2010
Clube do Choro de Brasília-Release CD My Way-2011
Birth of Brasilia -51 yrs de Brasília-2011
Festival de Música Instrumental e Arte Popular de Cavalcante-(Music Festival)2011
Programa Talentos TV Câmara(tv show)-2011
Programa Especial Rádio Câmara(radio show)-2011
Programa lançamento do CD My Way pela Rádio Nacional FM(radio show)--2011
Sesc Brasil Instrumental-Sesc Consolação(SP)-(tv show in live performance) 2012
Festival Mulher em Cena-(Woman in Scene)2012
Quituart Jazz e Gastronomia-2012
1013 Jazz Club-2012
Genaro Jazz-2013
Ces’t si Bon-2013
Birth of Brasilia -2014
Recordings -2014
Sarau Quente-1a Edição-2014
Show Funarte Brasília-2014
Jazz nos Fundos SP-2015
Kabul Bar SP-2015
Show Clube do Choro-2015
Program Espaço Cultural-Tv Senado-2015
Sarau Quente-2a Edição-2015
Clube do Choro-2015
Nosso Mar-2015
Taguatinga has Concert-Taguapark-DF-2015
Recording Dvd(live)-Teatro Newton Rossi-DF-2016
Circuito de Feiras do Livro-Paranoá-Brasília-2016
Sarau Complexo-Samambaia-DF-2016
Vila Esperança(temporada)-2016
Marlene Souza Lima Trio-Clube do Choro-2016
Project Sofar Sounds-2016
Outubro Rosa-(Pink October)2016
La Bella Cafe-2017
Hermusche Emporium-2017
Cest’ si Bom-2017
Chincillas Music-2017

Music Player

Gigs in 2017

Chincillas Music-2017
Cest’ si Bom-2017
Hermusche Emporium-2017
La Bella Cafe-2017
